How to choose the right speaker for your event?

Bringing a speaker to a conference or event can become a great technique to help your customer reach a new goal or to inspire the attendees. Usually, the content that the event planner chooses is focused on the audience. However, choosing the right speaker for that is a crucial time during the planning stage, since the atmosphere of the event will be directly influenced by the audience’s reaction to the presentation the speaker makes.

One of the most useful options, both for event professionals and for those dedicated to plan their company’s events, are agencies. Through them, you will be able to choose and contact the type of speaker you want to be at your event. However, agencies can only reduce your options, so it will be very important to define which tone and style you will need for the conference before communicating with them. To achieve that, we’ve made a list with some tips:

  • Identifying your audience
    The best place to start the process of choosing the right speaker will always be the type of audience in your event. This will be especially important if you have a large group of people within the same age gap or similar interests. If your conference will be aimed at members of a same generation or people who share hobbies or some goal, the result of the presentation will have a more positive impact if the speaker understands and aligns to the common factor of those who listen.
  • Establish the goal
    Every event has a reason: whether you’re celebrating something, motivating your team, or promoting a product or service; having the tone settled will be very helpful for choosing the rest.  To encourage people, the best professionals are those who belong to the world of sports and training. On the other hand, for specific event topics, an expert in the subject will arouse much more the attention of those who are in the venue.
  • Go through the categories
    Once you’ve established who are you presenting for and the reaction you want to accomplish, you must go through the categories the agency offers. From them, reduce the options and keep a list of those that would fit better in the plan and tone of the event. In this way, the entire conference will resonate with each attendee at the venue. 
  • Defining the topic
    When tone, style and audience are clear, the next step is to choose which way the topic will follow. Of course, a large part of this will be defined by the speaker but having an idea of what aspects you want to cover will be useful for both parts. If possible, set a meeting with the speaker before your event and work together in the direction in which you and your client want to take.

Another thing to consider when choosing the speaker will be your client’s budget . Know their priorities so that you can assign an adequate percentage for everything from the beginning of the planning stage. In this way, it will be easier for you to reduce options and find someone who can propel your event to where it is needed.

At IBTM Americas you’ll find different conferences with useful information for event planners. These resources are divided by profile; so, if you are an event professional or only create experiences for your company or an organization, you will be able to find what you need. Besides, different speakers’ agencies will be available for you to visit their stand during the show. Save the date and be a part of the greatest event of the MICE industry!